About Us / Working With Us

The Black Needle Society was started in 2020 by Katie and Laura, Daughter and Mother. Laura has been cross stitching for decades, and taught Katie how to stitch around the same time she was learning to read and spell.
We started this business with the idea of bringing the feeling of a cross stitch retreat into the homes of stitchers. We began hosting digital retreats so any stitcher could participate, regardless of location. We curated boxes to coincide with these retreats that were meant to be part of the stitchers' retreat swag, as you would receive if you were attending a live event. After hosting a couple of events, we launched a subscription box service so stitchers could enjoy a unique stitching experience right at home; a mini retreat for themselves.
Interested in working with us? We would love to feature exclusive/custom items, fresh designs, and homemade goods in our upcoming boxes. Please email us at theblackneedlesociety@gmail.com with your portfolio or a link to your social media so we can check you out! Please also include your wholesale rates (we do need to ask for a discounted rate as these boxes are all about sending out amazing deals to our stitching friends!)
Want to send us a sample? Awesomesauce! We would love to try your product, and possibly feature you on our Instagram stories for an unboxing, and possibly include your product in a future box! Please ship to:
The Black Needle Society
c/o Katie Landis
1321 Burlington Street
Suite 550
Kansas City, MO 64116